Welcome to the eNovativePiano Blog! If you are are already teaching or learning with eNovativePiano’s multimedia resources and lessons, we hope to inspire you with new ways to use our materials. If you are unfamiliar with eNP, we hope that you will enjoy learning about the benefits of an online curriculum.

We’ll be posting on a variety of topics about teaching and learning and will include video tutorials, teacher resources such as lesson plans and rubrics, and a new category called Teaching with eNovativePiano. We even hope to create a “student video” section! Finally, new developments in eNovativePiano will be announced here.

As many of you already know, we love feedback and we are always trying to improve eNovativePiano for our users. Let us know what topics you would like us to address on our blog, or if you would like to write an article. We love questions and suggestions and hope that this site develops into a truly collaborative eNovativePiano community.

Susie Garcia and Chan Kiat Lim – the eNovators

Read about Susie and Chan Kiat.

If you are unfamiliar with eNovativePiano and would like to learn more, please check out our sample lessons.

Experience the eNovativePiano Difference