
My account has expired. How do I resubscribe?

When you subscribe to eNovativePiano an account is created which you access by username/password. This account is linked to the email address that you used when you purchased your subscription. When your subscription expires, your account becomes 'inactive.' To resubscribe and reactivate your old account, follow these instructions. Go to From the left side of [...]

2024-07-10T14:49:37-05:00Categories: |

Workbook assignments with due dates that have passed have disappeared? How can I get these back?

eNovativePiano organizes Workbook assignments by due date, with pinned assignments at the top followed by upcoming dates appearing in chronological order with an orange banner. When a due date passes, that date rotates to the bottom of the list, but in reverse chronological order so users can see the most recently passed dates without excessive scrolling. The [...]

2021-06-08T22:34:09-05:00Categories: |
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