UL Professors and Software Creators Receive National Recognition
Two UL professors have received a national award for their piano software. Read the Story.
eNovativePiano Receives National Award
eNovativePiano has been selected as the recipient of the 2021 MTNA-Frances Clark Keyboard Pedagogy Award by members of the Frances Clark Center Board of Directors and ratified by the MTNA Board of Directors. This annual award was established in 2001 through a bequest to MTNA by the renowned pedagogue, Frances Clark. It is given to a person [...]
eNovativePiano Creator to be Featured Performer at National Conference
The Nyaho/Garcia Piano Duo will be featured at the Music Teachers National Association 2021 Virtual Conference in March. The Duo consists of Seattle based pianist, William Chapman Nyaho, and eNovativePiano co-creator, Susanna Garcia. Performing throughout the United States, Europe and Africa, their synergistic duo has been described as possessing “one head, one heart, but four hands.” The [...]
eNovativePiano Free Webinar
Learn about key features of eNovativePiano, technology requirements, integration with your existing curriculum, pricing, and preview how the site works. Q&A included! Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 3 PM CST – 3:30 PM CST Saturday, December 5, 2020 at 10 AM CST – 10:30 AM CST Pre-Registration Required
eNovativePiano Author Honored by MTNA
Dr. Chan Kiat Lim Named a Foundation Fellow by the Music Teachers National Association. Chan Kiat Lim, NCTM, of Lafayette was honored by Music Teachers National Association as an MTNA Foundation Fellow during the 2020 MTNA Virtual Conference. Read the Story.
It just got better: Upgrades you’ve been waiting for!
New Edition: Upgrades and new features! Learn about all the new upgrades including teaching and student enhancement tools.
Welcome to the eNovativePiano Blog!
Welcome to the eNovativePiano Blog! If you are are already teaching or learning with eNovativePiano's multimedia resources and lessons, we hope to inspire you with new ways to use our materials. If you are unfamiliar with eNP, we hope that you will enjoy learning about the benefits of an online curriculum. We'll be posting on a variety [...]